Sabtu, 12 Oktober 2019

4 Reasons Why You Should Eat Grains!

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4 Reasons Why You Should Eat Grains! - Healthy Friends, lately many have begun to care about healthy lifestyles, such as starting to routinely exercise and regulate eating habits by getting used to eating fresh food and reducing junk food consumption . Well, one food that can be an option for you to consume is whole grains.

Yep, the seeds in question  are classified in the legume family and are usually sold dry, such as peas, kidney beans, green beans, black beans, and so on. If you look deeper, by consuming this food, you will get 4 benefits for the body, you know! Want to know anything? So, let's check it out!

1. Having a low salt content
Salt or sodium is one component of micronutrients needed by the body to regulate water levels in the body. Usually the body needs 2000 mg of salt intake or 1 teaspoon per day.

If you consume more than that, it will increase the risk of hypertension. Consuming whole grains in your diet will minimize this, due to the low salt content of less than 500 mg per serving.

2. Good source of protein derived from plants
You need to consume protein nutrients every day, you know! Protein is needed to arrange the shape of the body, protection of the immune system, as a source of energy, and so on. In adults (ages 19-29), usually the required protein intake is 62 g per day for men and 56 g per day for women.

One source of protein that you can consume, comes from seeds. Yep, based on an article released by FAO ( Food and Agriculture Organization ), in 100 g lentils (a type of beans) contain 25 g of protein. You can also mix these seeds with rice to be consumed to increase protein intake.

3. A good source of iron
Iron is needed to carry oxygen to all body tissues, to form hemoglobin in red blood cells, and various enzyme reactions in the body. If you lack iron intake, your body will feel weak and you might be indicated for anemia. Every day you need iron intake of 26 mg (female) and 13 mg (male) at the age of 19-64 years.

Now, to minimize this, you can consume grains to get iron intake. According to the American Pulse Association, the iron intake you get from consuming black beans per serving, will be equivalent to 85 grams of flank steak .

4. Rich in folic acid
Folic acid intake, apparently not only needed by pregnant women (pregnant women), you know! As you know, folic acid is needed for pregnant women to avoid fetal imperfections at birth. Under normal circumstances, folic acid is also needed to improve memory, skin health and build healthy blood cells.

Daily needs are 400 micrograms (men> 19 years old), 400-600 micrograms (women> 13 years) and 600 micrograms (pregnant women). You can get folic acid intake from these grains, because according to the American Pulse Association, chickpeas contain 3x folic acid per serving when compared to kale (1 portion of kale = 67 gr kale = 19.4 micrograms)

Well, those are 4 reasons you can make a reference for consuming grains. Come on, consume a variety of food, so you can get a variety of nutrients, Healthy Friends!

Pineapple Benefits You Need to Know!

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Pineapple Benefits You Need to Know! - Healthy Friend, do you know what fruit is there are many fans in Indonesia? Yep, pineapple. This fruit is suitable for consumption during the dry season, because it tastes sweet and juice.

Vitamin C contained in this fruit is quite high, you know! So that it can maintain the body's power so that it is not susceptible to disease. But you know what? If the nutrients contained in it have many benefits, it's good for the body! Want to know anything? So, let's check it out!

Decrease cholesterol levels
Do you know? One of the effects of high levels of cholesterol (fat in the bloodstream) on the body is the onset of hyperlipidemia . One of the ingredients in pineapple that can maintain cholesterol levels is niacin.

Yep, niacin has an antidislipidemic effect , so that in large quantities, it can help reduce cholesterol and free fatty acids in the blood. This is because niacin will inhibit the passage of fat to the liver, thereby reducing the formation of fat into cholesterol.

Reducing blood pressure
One of the factors causing hypertension (high blood pressure) is constriction of blood vessels, so that blood flow increases. If you don't immediately follow up, hypertension can cause heart disease.

Well, narrowing of blood vessels can be caused by a pile of fat in the bloodstream that blocks its flow. The presence of soluble fiber content in pineapple, can  inhibit the absorption of fat in the blood. So that it can reduce the risk of narrowing of the arteries.

Prevents the growth of cancer cells
Do you know why meat is served with pineapple before it is processed? Yep, the function is to soften the meat, because the bromelin enzyme content in pineapple breaks down the meat protein, making it soft.

But you know what? Apparently this enzyme can inhibit the growth of cancer cells, you know! The enzyme is  able to destroy the growth of cells or tissue that is beyond the control of the body's systems, such as cancer cells.

So from now on, you should not underestimate the benefits of pineapple. You can consume it directly or be used as juice or even jam. But keep in mind, for rheumatic sufferers to consume this fruit too much, yes because in the digestive system fermented into alcohol, so that it can trigger gout.

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